Monday, August 24, 2009
Burning Foods
This clucker has the fewest calories per ounce of any animal protein. Like dairy, it contains the amino acid leucine, which may play a role in preserving muscle mass during weight loss, keeping metabolism running at full speed. Protein is also more satiating than fat or carbs — so you're less likely to overeat. Find your favorite turkey recipe in WH's "10 Foods, 40 Recipes."
Enova Oil
Enova — made from soy and canola oils — is made of diglycerides, a type of fat that's metabolized differently from triglycerides (found in other oils — even olive) and so not stored as fat as easily. In a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, dieters who used Enova lost more weight than those who used other oils.
Ironically, this elephant favorite fights weight gain, slows rises in blood sugar, and curbs hunger. One study from Purdue University found that individuals who added 500 calories of peanuts to their diets for 3 weeks experienced almost no change in body weight and a 24 percent drop in triglycerides — blood fats associated with heart disease. Researcher Rick Mattes, Ph.D., says peanuts' satiating power helps people eat less overall.
Low-fat Yogurt
Plain, low-fat yogurt is one of the best sources of calcium — a mineral that may fight fat. According to Michael B. Zemel, Ph.D., director of the Nutrition Institute at the of Tennessee, not getting enough calcium triggers the release of calcitriol, a hormone that causes us to store fat, whereas meeting our daily calcium needs helps us burn fat more efficiently. Like turkey, yogurt and other dairy foods are leading sources of leucine, which also helps fight fat.
Best fat burning foods
Lady Thrills has put together a list of the Top 10 Foods that Help Burn Fat. Granted, you can't just eat a teaspoon of cayenne pepper then sit around on the chaise lounge all day. Getting into shape means eating well overall and exercising. But a little kick along the way from these ten things can't hurt!
- Cayenne Pepper
- Cinnamon
- Ginger
- Citrus Fruits
- Apples and Berries
- Soybeans
- Bananas
- Essential Fatty Acids
- Garlic
- Dairy Products
Natural fat burning foods
There might actually be some science behind a few of those things. For example, a slight thermogenic effect from capsaicin in hot pepper and a slight boost in 24-hour metabolic rate from the EGCG in green tea. However, focusing on tiny details (especially before you’ve mastered the nutrition fundamentals) is putting the cart before the horse.
That's like getting excited by the theory that drinking enough ice cold water is going to get you ripped because the body has to "warm it up" (which expends energy). Believe it or not, the research on cold water thermogenesis shows that it actually exists! BUT... water-induced thermogenesis only amounts to an extra ONE-TENTH of a pound a week in weight loss!
Such is the case with most so-called "thermogenic foods" and spices. The effect is real, but tiny.
Remember the 80-20 Rule (Pareto's Principle) in Weight Loss
Details are important and little things can make a difference, so it doesn't hurt to eat spicy foods, drink green tea and drink ice cold water.
However, when you put too much attention on the small stuff (and "weird exotic stuff"), you're not only being horribly inefficient, you're also putting yourself at risk of falling for the latest fad diet.
In any endeavor, including weight loss, a small handful of critical factors (the 20%) will produce the vast majority of your results. The rest (80%) is minutia. Only after you have the critical factors (the fundamentals) in place first, should you "sweat the small stuff" that might help your results an extra percentage point here and a percentage point there.
That's the 80-20 rule and if you remember this rule, it will change your life.
Dietary Thermogenesis and the Thermic Effect Of Food
In reality, ALL foods are "thermogenic" because the body must use energy to digest them. This is known as the "thermic effect of food" (TEF) or "specific dynamic action of food."
However, not all foods have the same thermic effect. Dietary fat has the lowest thermic effect. The most thermogenic food (my "favorite") is lean protein from solid foods, especially the following:
- chicken breast
- turkey breast
- game meats (venison, elk, etc)
- bison, buffalo
- very lean red meat such as top round and lean sirloin (grass fed is especially nutritious)
- almost all types of fish
- shellfish and other seafood
- egg whites (whole eggs in moderation)
Protein drinks could also be added to this list. They can be quite helpful for boosting overall protein intake or as a convenient meal replacement. However, I have always had a theory that the thermogenic effect of solid, whole food proteins is higher than most people think and that solid whole food proteins have a higher thermic effect than liquids.
That's why I recommend focusing primarily on whole foods for the majority of your calories. This is a good idea anyway because liquid calories have been proven less effective at activating the appetite and satiety mechanisms in your brain and gastrointestinal tract and it's easier to overconsume liquid calories than solid calories.
In any case, research has proven that the thermic effect of protein is the highest of all the macronutrients, requiring about 30% of the calories it contains, just for digestion and processing.
This is one of the reasons that a bodybuilder's diet is high in lean protein and bodybuilders are the leanest muscular athletes on earth. My entire fat loss program is based on these bodybuilding diet methods (although my diet is not just for bodybuilders).
When you combine thermogenic lean protein foods with the right amounts and types of essential fats, add in plenty of green vegetables and just the right amount of natural starchy carbs and whole grains (at the right times - see below for the trick), your body will literally turn into a turb-charged fat burning machine - without drugs, supplements or weird diet gimmicks.
A Simple 3-Step Formula To Put Together A Fat-Burning Meal:
STEP 1: Select a green vegetable or fibrous vegetable such as asparagus, green beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, salad vegetables, etc., and then
STEP 2: Combine that with one of the lean proteins (previously mentioned above).
STEP 3: The lean protein and fibrous carb forms the foundation of your fat burning meal. From there, add natural starchy carbs or grains such as brown rice, oats, or sweet potatoes - in the amount your calorie needs dictate and to the degree your body can tolerate them (some people are carb-sensitive). Fruit is also ok, but focus even more on the green and fibrous vegeteblesFat Burning Food
Mike Geary, a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutrition Specialist, owner of successful web site The Truth about Six Pack Abs recommends the following Top Five Fat-Burning Foods
These are looked as fatty food. However, They are great for losing weight and be healthier. They are full of healthy fats! This fruit is super-charged in mono-unsaturated fat and in vitamins, minerals, micro-nutrients, and antioxidants.
Top Five Fat-Burning Foods 2. Nuts
Almonds, Walnuts, Macadamia, Pecans, any of them. They are great. Full of healthy fats that are anti-inflammatory. They are also full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, fiber and protein. Prefer raw nuts rather than roasted. They are better and try some of those exotic nuts you may found in your grocery or health food store
This is NOT your typical grocery store beef. These special cuts are difficult to find but look for them or buy them online. Regular beef are feed on corn and cereals. This is not natural. Cattle was meant to eat grass and to walk a lot, NOT to be a feedlot without exercise. Grass-fed beef from cattle has a high level of omega-3 fatty acids and lower levels of inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids compared to grain fed beef or bison. Also, meat from grass fed cattle contains 3 times more Vitamin E.
Top Five Fat-Burning Foods 4. Whole Eggs,
Another demonized food. And yes the whole eggs, yolk included. Eggs are the highest quality source of protein. All of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants (such as lutein) are found in eggs yolk so eat them. Again, make sure your eggs are free-range organic eggs
And no your not your normal eggs taken from chickens that have eaten cereals and soy.
Fat Burning Food
Mike Geary, a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutrition Specialist, owner of successful web site The Truth about Six Pack Abs recommends the following Top Five Fat-Burning Foods
These are looked as fatty food. However, They are great for losing weight and be healthier. They are full of healthy fats! This fruit is super-charged in mono-unsaturated fat and in vitamins, minerals, micro-nutrients, and antioxidants.
Top Five Fat-Burning Foods 2. Nuts
Almonds, Walnuts, Macadamia, Pecans, any of them. They are great. Full of healthy fats that are anti-inflammatory. They are also full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, fiber and protein. Prefer raw nuts rather than roasted. They are better and try some of those exotic nuts you may found in your grocery or health food store
This is NOT your typical grocery store beef. These special cuts are difficult to find but look for them or buy them online. Regular beef are feed on corn and cereals. This is not natural. Cattle was meant to eat grass and to walk a lot, NOT to be a feedlot without exercise. Grass-fed beef from cattle has a high level of omega-3 fatty acids and lower levels of inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids compared to grain fed beef or bison. Also, meat from grass fed cattle contains 3 times more Vitamin E.
Top Five Fat-Burning Foods 4. Whole Eggs,
Another demonized food. And yes the whole eggs, yolk included. Eggs are the highest quality source of protein. All of the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants (such as lutein) are found in eggs yolk so eat them. Again, make sure your eggs are free-range organic eggs
And no your not your normal eggs taken from chickens that have eaten cereals and soy.